Humidity in Sharjah

Humidity should be maintained accurately just like how we maintain our diet. There are plenty of disadvantages of high humidity for health and homes that are caused by excess humidity.Keeping a good track of health is essential for a person to prevent from illness and diseases. Though we take care of ourselves with a healthy [...]

By | August 8th, 2016|Questions|0 Comments

Top 5 Dehumidifiers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE

High humidity is always a threat to our health and to the comfort of our home as it is backed up with too many hazards. Humidity can efficiently be controlled with the device called Dehumidifier.In this article, we will introduce you to the top 5 dehumidifiers supplied by Vacker UAE in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and [...]

By | July 10th, 2016|Questions|0 Comments